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Welcome to CAN Academy

Community Action Network's Site for Trainings & Resources

Prepare for Lift-Off!

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Prepare for your role at CAN by completing a series of online
forms and trainings.
Use CAN Academy to access
tools and resources you will need
for the job.
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Thrive at CAN and beyond through engaging in our ongoing professional development opportunities.
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Ready your mind
1. Welcome to the Crew!
If you're a new employee, volunteer, or board member, you will be sent or have already completed a New Hire/Intern/AmeriCorps Form, Volunteer Application, or New Board Member Form. When you submit that form, it creates a profile in our database which allows us to send you the login information to your portal.
2. Log into your CAN Portal
You will be sent an email with a link and password (online access code) to log into your portal. We recommend you bookmark your portal URL so you can easily access your portal in the future.
3. Begin your training
All of the online forms and trainings you need to complete before you begin at CAN will be ready to open and complete in your portal. 
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Don Your Gear
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Tools & Resources
Tools & Resources

Visit (and we suggest bookmark!) this page to access tools and resources you will likely be using on a regular basis while working at CAN.

Examples include a link to CAN's Google Calendar, staff directory, a collection of recipes for After School Program meals, and more.

Board Member
Tools & Resources
Board Member
Tools & Resources

Board Members (though anyone is welcome!) can orient themselves to CAN, reviewing our policies & procedures, our organizational documents, and additional board-related supplemental materials, including former approved Board Meeting Minutes.

Tools & Resources
Tools & Resources

CAN has a WEALTH of tools, resources, and links to other materials we have found incredibly helpful while working with our children, youth, and families in our more than 30 years of service to our communities.

Look for materials related to mindfulness, math tips & tricks, reading with children & youth, writing prompts, social-emotional development, STEM, and more.

CAN Brand
CAN Brand
Before anyone creates any new content for Community Action Network, make sure it follows CAN's Style Guidelines. 
CAN's brand is our promise to our stakeholders that we are an identifiable force for good in our community, always fighting for brighter futures. Brand identity is a visual representation of an organization. Like people, the way we (our content) looks has very real implications on audience perception.
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Continue to Soar


Connect is CAN's Internal Newsletter. It's written in a blog-style so members can engage in community-building conversation in the comment section.

Members receive this post in their inbox bi-weekly. Connect shares exciting highlights, internal announcements, and invites readers to develop a new skill that may help us better serve CAN's families.

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